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Fruit Plates/Bowl - Boxes - Trays - Wall Hangings - Clocks

Fruit Plates/Bowl

Name Medium # of Photos Picture Price
Red Bartlett Pears & White Currents Acrylic 3
(2 8x10)
Yellow Apples & Cabernet Grapes Acrylic 3
(2 8x10)
Apples & Grapes $10.00
Apricots and Cherries Acrylic 3
(2 8x10)
Apricots $10.00
Pears and Red Grapes Acrylic 6 Pears and Red Grapes $8.00
Victoria Plums with Golden Raspberries Acrylic 6 Victoria Plums with Golden Raspberries $8.00
Red Apples Acrylic 6 Red Apples Plate $8.00
Green Apples and Strawberries Acrylic 6 Green Apples and Strawberries $8.00
Peaches and Red Currants Acrylic 6 Peaches and Red Currants Plate $8.00
Fruit Bowl Acrylic 3
(2 8x10)
Fruit Bowl $10.00


Name Medium # of Photos Picture Price
Red Grapes Box Acrylic two 8 1/2" x 11" enlargements Reg Grapes Box $10.00
Blueberries Acrylic 2 Blueberries $6.00
Black Currants and Plums on Wall Box Acrylic 2, one 8 1/2" x 11" enlargement Black Currants and Plums $8.00
Gooseberries and Currants Acrylic 2 gooseberries and currants $7.00
Grapes Galore Acrylic 7 Grapes Galore $8.50


Name Medium # of Photos Picture Price
Peaches-a-Plenty Acrylic 4 Peaches-A-Plenty $7.00

Wall Hangings

Name Medium # of Photos Picture Price
Plums Delicious Acrylic includes surface, mat and two 8 1/2" x 11" enlargements Plums Delicious $20.00
Raspberries and Blueberries
Includes Surface and Mat!
Acrylic 2 (one 8 x 10") Raspberries and Blueberries $16.00
Green Apples with Raindrops
Includes Surface and Mat!
Acrylic 4 Green Apple With Raindrops $16.00
Apple Seasons Oil 2, one 8 1/2" x 11" enlargement Apple Seasons $8.00


Name Medium # of Photos Picture Price
Red Grapes Clock Acrylic 2 Red Grapes Clock $6.00

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